Leading the way in delivering informed consent through digital solutions

The way clinicians and patients interact is changing continually. Patients want to be more informed about the benefits and risks of the procedures they are asked to consent to, and any alternatives.

By using Inform Digital Home Consent from EIDO, patients will have a clearer understanding of their procedure, can reflect on the information they are given, and also be better prepared pre-op and post-op.

This empowers patients and enables clinicians and administrators to deliver the best care and outcomes.

Easy to follow procedure documents


Track patient engagement


Reduce consultation times

Why use Inform Digital Home Consent?

  • Reduce consultation time spent going through consent forms with patients.
  • Track, record and report on patient interaction. 
  • Increase patient understanding.
  • Reduce future litigation issues around consent.
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Track patient engagement

By tracking patient engagement as they review the consent procedure healthcare professionals can better understand how well informed the patient is before giving their final consent.