The ruling of the Supreme Court in the case of Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health Board in 2015 drastically changed the landscape of healthcare, which is now becoming increasingly patient-centred. UK courts have been developing a better understanding of the principles of informed consent and it is crucial that clinical staff have a proper awareness of their responsibilities. That’s why we created EIDO Educate, an e-Learning course designed to train health professionals in the medico-legal principles of consent to treatment and help them stay informed of notable court cases which shape the landscape of consent law.
In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic, digital solutions have become a vital step in the healthcare journey, and e-Learning has proven to be a flexible, cost-effective and Covid-friendly method of delivering training to clinicians.
EIDO Educate
EIDO Educate is made up of eight modules, each dealing with a different area of consent law. Problem scenarios are used throughout and self-test questions at the end of each module enable learners to test their knowledge and understanding. The final assessment is a chance for clinicians to challenge themselves on the information they have learnt throughout the course.
The first four core modules cover the basic foundations of consent to treatment:
Core Modules
- Consent and the Law
- Consent in Practice
- Capacity and Consent
- Consent and End-of-Life Issues
In addition, there are four specialist modules, covering areas in which consent law can be particularly complex:
Specialist Modules
- Consent in Obstetrics
- Consent in Paediatrics
- Consent in Emergency Medicine
- Consent in Participation to Research
The course content is reviewed and updated every year to include the very latest legal developments. The latest edition includes changes to the law, recent notable court cases and the medico-legal implications of Covid-19.

Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
EIDO Educate has been accredited for 8 CPD points by the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland (ASGBI). ASGBI Director of Education Chris Lewis had this to say about the benefits of the course:
In an environment of rising litigation claims and fast-moving case law (not to mention the coronavirus pandemic), it is more important than ever for healthcare professionals to be aware of their responsibilities when obtaining informed consent from patients. However, for busy clinical staff, keeping up to date with recent consent developments can be a difficult and time-consuming task.
For this reason, the ASGBI is pleased to endorse the EIDO Educate eLearning course, which has been accredited for 8 CPD points. The course provides a thorough grounding in best current consent practice, also touching on areas where consent presents particular difficulties (for example in paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, and research settings).
Combining real-life examples with thought-provoking test scenarios, the course content is regularly updated to provide a comprehensive picture of the legal landscape around consent.
For any hospitals and practitioners wishing to ensure their consent practices and policies are legally sound, the ASGBI has no hesitation in recommending the EIDO Educate course.
More information
If you would like to license EIDO Educate for your hospital or have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Phone – 0115 878 1000
Email – [email protected]