Patient details pre-populated
Once Vault is connected to your hospital’s patient administration system, it provides pre-populated patient details without having to enter them manually.
Integrated procedure information
Search from our trusted library of nearly 400 procedure documents to insert the relevant procedure information into the consent form. Vault will detail all the relevant alternatives, benefits and complications to ensure patients are fully informed before giving their consent.
Unlimited conversation notes
Vault provides unlimited space for clinician notes, allowing the inclusion of discussion points and risk rate factors without omitting or summarising information.
Secure digital storage
Capture consent digitally and store it as a PDF document on a secure online server with easy retrieval. This automation ensures there’s no chance of forms being lost or captured and stored incorrectly
Easy digital signature
Once the patient has verified their information and is fully informed regarding the proposed treatment, they will be requested to sign the electronic document with a stylus to ensure legal compliance.
Multiple procedures
Vault allows multiple procedures to be added to one consent form in a single patient session. The patient and clinician only need to sign once, reducing the need for multiple forms.
Additional signatories
Should the consent require an additional signatory, Vault supports a witness, interpreter or other specialist signatories. Parents or guardians can also be added as signatories.
Historical consent forms
Consent forms can be stored in Vault, accessible from the app or dashboard, or they can be sent to the patient record in the hospital’s patient administration system.
Confirm consent
Clinicians can confirm consent with the patient using the app and have this added to the original consent form.
Repeat procedures
If a patient has a specific procedure on a regular basis, there’s no need to get full consent each time. By using our repeat procedure facility, a clinician can take consent without going through all the treatment details with the patient again.
2nd approvals
Adding a 2nd clinician’s approval in Vault is as easy as calling up the consent form and having the clinician sign on the tablet with a stylus.